
the tls module in kamailio is using shm memory, but can be something
internal for libssl. What operating system do you use and what is the
libssl version?


On 06/10/16 17:43, Jurijs Ivolga wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> I do not use puke.top rpc command. Maybe this issue related to TLS?
> Servers what has this problem are utilizing TLS heavily, servers which
> do not has this problem use UDP.
> With kind regards,
> Jurijs
> On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 6:05 PM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla
> <mico...@gmail.com <mailto:mico...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hello,
>     are you using pike.top rpc command? I noticed in the code that it
>     uses system malloc, but I haven't investigated further yet, first
>     to see if this would be a possibility ...
>     Cheers,
>     Daniel
>     On 06/10/16 16:33, Jurijs Ivolga wrote:
>>     Hi Daniel,
>>     We do not do any external operations.
>>     We are using janson 2.7 everywhere. I will try to update to
>>     latest janson version tomorrow.
>>     All json operation is pretty much same, we are using only
>>     jansson_get.
>>     In attachment you can see memory consumption. On the right 2
>>     servers which are faced internet on the left which don't face
>>     internet. As you can see memory consumption is pretty dramatic.
>>     Thank you for your help!
>>     With kind regards,
>>     Jurijs
>>     On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 5:17 PM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla
>>     <mico...@gmail.com <mailto:mico...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>         Hello,
>>         are you doing different external operations than on the other
>>         instances, like mi/rpc commands.
>>         From the list of the modules you exposed, I think jansson has
>>         the higher probability to work with system memory. Are you
>>         doing different json operations in config that in the other
>>         instances of kamailio? Are you using same version of
>>         libjansson everywhere?
>>         Cheers,
>>         Daniel
>>         On 06/10/16 13:46, Jurijs Ivolga wrote:
>>>         Hi Daniel,
>>>         This modules what we are using:
>>>         loadmodule "mi_fifo.so"
>>>         loadmodule "kex.so"
>>>         loadmodule "corex.so"
>>>         loadmodule "tm.so"
>>>         loadmodule "tmx.so"
>>>         loadmodule "sl.so"
>>>         loadmodule "rr.so"
>>>         loadmodule "pv.so"
>>>         loadmodule "maxfwd.so"
>>>         loadmodule "textops.so"
>>>         loadmodule "siputils.so"
>>>         loadmodule "xlog.so"
>>>         loadmodule "sanity.so"
>>>         loadmodule "ctl.so"
>>>         loadmodule "cfg_rpc.so"
>>>         loadmodule "mi_rpc.so"
>>>         loadmodule "dispatcher.so"
>>>         loadmodule "utils.so"
>>>         loadmodule "path.so"
>>>         loadmodule "ipops.so"
>>>         loadmodule "jansson.so"
>>>         loadmodule "auth.so"
>>>         loadmodule "nathelper.so"
>>>         loadmodule "tls.so"
>>>         loadmodule "htable.so"
>>>         loadmodule "pike.so"
>>>         We have several other Kamailio instances but they are not
>>>         faced to internet and they do not have such memory issue.
>>>         That other Kamailio instances have same modules,  except
>>>         modules listed below. So if you think that issue is inside
>>>         external library, probably we need to check first modules
>>>         from list below.
>>>         loadmodule "ipops.so"
>>>         loadmodule "auth.so"
>>>         loadmodule "nathelper.so"
>>>         loadmodule "pike.so"
>>>         But maybe this other Kamailio instances do not have this
>>>         memory issue, just because they did not face to internet and
>>>         did not have same load as instances with memory issue.
>>>          kamailio -v
>>>         version: kamailio 4.4.3 (x86_64/linux) 5a2195
>>>         flags: STATS: Off, USE_TCP, USE_TLS, USE_SCTP, TLS_HOOKS,
>>>         MAX_LISTEN 16, MAX_URI_SIZE 1024, BUF_SIZE 65535, DEFAULT
>>>         PKG_SIZE 8MB
>>>         poll method support: poll, epoll_lt, epoll_et, sigio_rt, select.
>>>         id: 5a2195
>>>         compiled on 08:30:51 Sep 15 2016 with gcc 4.4.7
>>>         With kind regards,
>>>         Jurijs
>>>         On Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 12:52 PM, Daniel-Constantin Mierla
>>>         <mico...@gmail.com <mailto:mico...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>             Hello,
>>>             it looks like a leak from the system memory, not from
>>>             kamailio's pkg or shm memory. This can be due to an
>>>             improper use of an external library (e.g., libxml2) by a
>>>             kamailio module or because of a problem in the library.
>>>             Can you list the modules used in your config (the
>>>             loadmodule lines)? I will try to guess from the list
>>>             which one relying on external libs with higher risk of
>>>             leak issues.
>>>             Also, provide the version of kamailio you are using
>>>             (kamailio -v).
>>>             Cheers,
>>>             Daniel
>>>             On 04/10/16 15:42, Jurijs Ivolga wrote:
>>>>             Hi,
>>>>             Our Kamailio server is crashing once per week, with
>>>>             following error:
>>>>             Oct  1 06:25:06 kamailio kernel: [26982632.803789] Out
>>>>             of memory in UB 210: OOM killed process 12261
>>>>             (kamailio) score 0 vm:1614768kB, rss:280200kB,
>>>>             swap:131408kB
>>>>             Core dump was never created, probably it is because of
>>>>             my environment, but I will try to get it.
>>>>             Server constantly eats memory, maybe some kind of
>>>>             memory leak?
>>>>             Any help is highly appreciated!
>>>>             Jurijs
>>>>             _______________________________________________
>>>>             SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users 
>>>> mailing list
>>>>             sr-users@lists.sip-router.org
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>>>>             <http://lists.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users>
>>>             -- 
>>>             Daniel-Constantin Mierla
>>>             http://twitter.com/#!/miconda
>>>             <http://twitter.com/#%21/miconda> - 
>>> http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
>>>             <http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda>
>>>             Kamailio Advanced Training, Berlin, Oct 24-26, 2016 - 
>>> http://www.asipto.com
>>>             _______________________________________________ SIP
>>>             Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users
>>>             mailing list sr-users@lists.sip-router.org
>>>             <mailto:sr-users@lists.sip-router.org>
>>>             http://lists.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users
>>>             <http://lists.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sr-users>
>>         -- 
>>         Daniel-Constantin Mierla
>>         http://twitter.com/#!/miconda <http://twitter.com/#%21/miconda> - 
>> http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
>>         <http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda>
>>         Kamailio Advanced Training, Berlin, Oct 24-26, 2016 - 
>> http://www.asipto.com
>     -- 
>     Daniel-Constantin Mierla
>     http://twitter.com/#!/miconda <http://twitter.com/#%21/miconda> - 
> http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
>     <http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda>
>     Kamailio Advanced Training, Berlin, Oct 24-26, 2016 - 
> http://www.asipto.com
Daniel-Constantin Mierla
http://twitter.com/#!/miconda - http://www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
Kamailio Advanced Training, Berlin, Oct 24-26, 2016 - http://www.asipto.com
SIP Express Router (SER) and Kamailio (OpenSER) - sr-users mailing list

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