
I'm frequently using ssh to connect to a customers site and forward ports
from their internal network to our local machines. The apps. I'm most
interested in are VNC, mysql and http ports (80). Port forwarding itself
works just fine, for example with VNC. The problem is, that as soon as the
currently forwarded connection is broken, the ssh client drops out and I
need to restart it and enter the password again. This is feasible with
VNC, can be done with mysql (depending on the client) and almost
impossible with typical HTTP traffic.

For instance for mysql, I'm starting ssh on my side like this:

ssh -n -S +C -l remote-user -L 3316:customer-intranet-ip:3316 customer1

I don't want a session channel (hence the -S) because I don't want my
users to mess with customer's machine other than using the tunneled mysql

As soon as the connection is established, I get this:

warning: ssh2[22120]: number of forwarded channels still open, forked to
background to wait for completion.

However, I don't get it every time. Sometimes the message appears when the
connection is terminated.

I don't care about the message, I just want the tunnel to stay open
until ssh is terminated so that multiple simultaneous or consecutive
HTTP requests can be handled over it.

Any ideas anyone? I'm running ssh 2.1.0 on Tru64 4.0f. The server has ssh
2.0 on Solaris 2.6.

Thanks // Tom
Dr. Tom Leitner Dept. of Communications
                                            Graz University of Technology, 
e-mail    : [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Inffeldgasse 12
Phone     : +43-316-873-7455                A-8010 Graz / Austria / Europe
Fax       : +43-316-463-697
Home page : http://wiis.tu-graz.ac.at/people/tom.html
PGP public key on : ftp://wiis.tu-graz.ac.at/pgp-keys/tom.asc or send 
mail with subject "get Thomas Leitner" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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