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|Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 09:35:05 -0700 (PDT)
|Subject: Re: SSH start up, rc.local vs. inetd.conf


|But since sshd is started late in rc.local instead of using inetd, I can't
|login!  Grrrr.  It probably is hung somewhere in rc.local.

|I am going to change sshd on that box to use inetd.  There is no one else
|login in to it, and I rarely do except for problems (it's working, I
|don't mess with it).

|Tin Le

|Internet Security and Firewall Consulting

        [SNIP -- quotation on another message removed]

I suggest that you do not use rc.local.  Rather, I suggest that you learn
how to write and use your own script in /etc/rc.d/init.d (etc/init.d on
some systems).  Name that script so that sshd is started when you want
it started in the sequence of start up events.

I saw no mention of what your operating system or environment is; therefore,
I can not offer any, more detailed suggestions.

Randolph J. Herber, [EMAIL PROTECTED], +1 630 840 2966, CD/CDFTF PK-149F,
Mail Stop 318, Fermilab, Kirk & Pine Rds., PO Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510-0500,
USA.  (Speaking for myself and not for US, US DOE, FNAL nor URA.)  (Product,
trade, or service marks herein belong to their respective owners.)

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