On Thu, 31 May 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> To anyone who can help,
> I have installed the latest version of openssh which 
> includes installing openssl and zlib. I am using the 
> default built in random feature since Solaris does not 
> have /dev/random out of the box. Why does it take 4-5 
> mins to establish a connection to a remote machine 
> (or any machine) with another version of openssh on it. 
> Is it because of using the default random number 
> generator or is it config problems or what? At first I 
> thought it was not working and then I found out it was 
> just taking a long time. I am using the -v option and can 
> see what it is doing, but why does it take so long to do 
> it?

It takes time for /dev/random to be filled with random
bytes because it gets these random bytes from system
calls, IRQ, spin of harddisks (I don't know how), and
other physical sources of randomness.

Under capitalism, man exploits man.
Under communism, it's just the opposite.
                -- J.K. Galbraith

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