>To anyone who can help,

>I have installed the latest version of openssh which
>includes installing openssl and zlib. I am using the
>default built in random feature since Solaris does not
>have /dev/random out of the box. Why does it take 4-5
>mins to establish a connection to a remote machine
>(or any machine) with another version of openssh on it.
>Is it because of using the default random number
>generator or is it config problems or what? At first I
>thought it was not working and then I found out it was
>just taking a long time. I am using the -v option and can
>see what it is doing, but why does it take so long to do

>Thanks for your help.
>Jim LaGore

Make sure that the remote machines have dns entries for your client.  Open
SSH performs a revers dns lookup on incoming connections.  The long delay
in the connection could be this lookup timing out.

I had some computers whose /etc/hosts files were partially deleted, and
they were exhibiting the same symptom.  Adding the entries back in
corrected the problem.

(The original message is almost 2 months old, however, search engines have
indexed this list's archives, so I figured I'd reply anyway--If someone
else had, it would have saved me about 30 minutes. ;)

Rusty Sears,
cc: any responses to: sears at cis dot ohio-state dot edu,
as I don't subscribe to this list.

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