Hey All,

I have one machine that does not seem to play nice with the others.

I'm running OpenSSH_2.5.2p2, SSH protocols 1.5/2.0, OpenSSL 0x0090600f
on all my redhat linux boxs. Life appears to be good, establish
communication between all linuxboxs with ssh except for one box.

>From the one giving myself problems, I can ssh to any other box OK. But no
other box can seem to establish communication with it.

What happens is if I ssh to the bad box, I get prompted for a passwd. If I
enter the passwd incorrectly, I get Permission denied. Which is good.
Now if I enter the correct passwd to the bad box, I get the Last
login: Tues ...etc. and I'm returned to my cuurent machines prompt.
It appears that it authenticates myself, but it drops my connection with
out giving an error message.

Now to add to this, I can estabish a connection to the bad box through a
ssh client on a windows 2k box(SSH ver. 2.4). No problems, the windows
client running 2.4ssh and can connect.

>From one particular linux box(OpenSSH_2.5.2p2), I can establish
a session to the bad box, although I get the following error.
the following error:

Warning: the RSA host key for xxx.xx.xxxx.ca' differs from the key
for the IP address 'x.x.x.11' 

And after the error message, I answer yes, enter the passwd, and I'm in.

Now my question is the problem with the bad boxs RSA key?, and if so why
don't I get the same error with the other linux boxs? Why does the windows
client ssh the only one that can connect to the bad box with out any



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