Hi, All,

The following problem was encountered during a ssh run in a MSDOS prompt
with a debug mode.
This output shows client supports both publickey,password methods.
At the end, it shows:

debug: Ssh2AuthClient/sshauthc.c:316: Method 'publickey' disabled

As result, the public key method failed.

This is on Windows 98 machine.

We used the same procedure successfully installed SSH on other Windows
machine (98,NT,2K) successfully. But it failed on this particular machine.
(What would cause publickey method disabled)

Can someone shed some light on this issue? Thanks.


debug: SshAuthMethodClient/sshauthmethodc.c:137: Added "password" to
usable meth
debug: Ssh2Client/sshclient.c:1357: Creating userauth protocol.
debug: client supports 2 auth methods: 'publickey,password'
debug: Ssh2Common/sshcommon.c:496: local ip =, local port
= 1068
debug: Ssh2Common/sshcommon.c:498: remote ip =, remote
port = 22
debug: SshConnection/sshconn.c:1889: Wrapping...
debug: Remote version: SSH-2.0-3.0.1 SSH Secure Shell (non-commercial)
debug: Major: 3 Minor: 0 Revision: 1
debug: Ssh2Transport/trcommon.c:1717: lang s to c: `', lang c to s: `'
debug: Ssh2Transport/trcommon.c:1783: c_to_s: cipher 3des-cbc, mac
hmac-sha1, co
mpression none
debug: Ssh2Transport/trcommon.c:1786: s_to_c: cipher 3des-cbc, mac
hmac-sha1, co
mpression none
debug: Remote host key found from database.
debug: Ssh2Common/sshcommon.c:291: Received SSH_CROSS_STARTUP packet
from connec
tion protocol.
debug: Ssh2Common/sshcommon.c:341: Received SSH_CROSS_ALGORITHMS packet
from con
nection protocol.
debug: server offers auth methods 'publickey,password'.
debug: Ssh2AuthClient/sshauthc.c:316: Method 'publickey' disabled.
debug: server offers auth methods 'publickey,password'.
debug: Ssh2AuthPasswdClient/authc-passwd.c:95: Starting password
username's password:

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