> [Hartland's flats] scale out to nine foot in 1 to 20.3.

That's like a coal jimmie -- very small.  The D&RG cars were 17 
feet, which should give you an idea of how Hartford's cars look 
relatively.  Big models of small cars.  They look small and large at 
the same time, which I guess is one of the reasons I'm so taken with 

I talked to Hartford today and he told me two things of interest.  
First, the beams for the boxcar frames are still being cut, after 
which Fall River will cut the siding and they will be ready to go.

Second, Bob has had problems getting in touch with the people 
who maintain his web pages (that sounds ominous, doesn't it?), 
which is the reason it's so far behind right now.  If you're interested, I 
would suggest writing him for details.  I'll leave the pics on my site 
until he gets them on his page.


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