Thanx for the comment. I think it is this valve gear stuff that has always
attracted me to steam locos. Now that I've jumped into the hobby, I just had
to find out more about them.

Hearing the comments of several people saying the C&S was a Stephenson while
Aster says it's a Walschaert forced me to dig into it. I have the Aster C&S
and LOVE it.

I THINK it's pronounced walls - chert, but hey, ya never know.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2000 8:56 AM
To: Multiple recipients of sslivesteam
Subject: Valve Gear

     Lee Hill ----  I am really impressed with your treatise of the
Walschaert (I wish I knew how to pronounce that)  valve gear used on the C&S
Mogul.   You sure don't sound like much of a novice to me.   I too am just
starting into this hobby, (God and my wife forgive me)  and you answered a
number of questions that I had about valve gear.   I know what they do, but
I'll be damed if I can figure out how they work.  I guess I will be
that they do for now.   Thanks for your time and effort-----very
  We must keep in mind, "Does it run right, Does it look ok? then it is
   we don't need every damn rivet!!!

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