I failed to mail this when it was written a few days ago!!!!

Clark wrote:

"Yes it can on this engine.  I have attempted to do so without success.
My understanding of notching back it to save steam by allowing the
engine to expand the steam before exhausting.  In all the Aster's that
I've owned and run, the engine becomes balky and really jumpy to run
when notched back any amount.  Therefore I usually run mine in full
gear.  No doubt there are those that have a steadier hand than mine and
get acceptable results but too much fuss for me."

I have the same problem exactly except with my Chapelon Nord. I had not
notched back because of the afore mentioned problems, but Maelor Davies
told me it would work and it did---result controllable speed less wheel
slippage! Being a compound may be the reason. I believe the same with my
King--not a compound but 4 cyls.--I have yet to try it tho'



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