Once again it may sound crazy, i found steam oil
through a neighbor who in turn worked the local yard
in the east bay and San Francisco. It may be that the
oil was availble as we have steams that come through
the area on special occasions, In addition we have a
steam operation in the Niles Canyon area and one down
in Felton. I did not imply that steam oil was in every
yard or maintenace area but there are exceptions.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 3/1/2000 5:28:59 PM Eastern
> Standard Time, 
> > As crazy as it may sound, check with your local
> >  railroad maintenance yard.  Many of them have
> cans of
> >  steam oil still lying around and if you take a
> pint
> >  jar they will give it away.  
> I worked for Conrail and prior to that for the
> Lehigh Valley RR for over 
> twenty years. In all that time I never saw a drop of
> steam cylinder oil 
> anywhere. What would you think they were using steam
> cylinder oil for on 
> today's railroads? If anything comes close to steam
> cyl. oil it's used in 
> antique cars. Model T Fords use SAE 600w oil in the
> differential, not quite 
> steam oil, less sulfur added, but the right
> viscosity.
> Keith Taylor - In sunny Maine! 
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