"allo Sir Art,

What an unfortunate situation. Even in the "woods" here the "firers" are
only $12 at most and the cartridges are really inexpensive--just over 3
bucks for five in gun shops. That's less  than half the price of a martini
at  a Heathrow hotel but less than one in Diamonhead!   You see they are
used for CO2 powered guns!  This is no help--wish I could send you some. I
did carry some on a plane once but the next time I got them confiscated! I
wish you could have been present at the "scene" I made about that-all with
my tongue in cheek!

A thought; are CO2 rifles allowed in the UK--if so that might be a source
for the cartridges at a lower price.

Jailed Uncle Geoff.

>The price of these cartridges in UK bike shops is also extortionate.
>Can any UK listees tell where I can get these cheap ? I thought they were
>used in soda syphons & that therefore they would be available from any 'offy'
>( US = liquor store ) but no luck so far.
>Art Walker


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