We have used plastic lumber for 7.5" RR ties and are planning to install 2 x 
8 and 2 x 12's on the floor of the new locomotive shed just constructed.
Part of the flooring will be outdoors in a "patio" area.
I have also used HDPE/carbonblack/sawdust  composite sheet formerly available 
from Duraboard in Lamar, MO. Unfortunately Duraboard was purchased by a large 
roofing supply business and is now out of the sheet goods. I have 3/8" 
"Wetlock" and "Plex" on my 280' elevated double main line RR. These materials 
were also used on the portable track at Diamondhead for three years. If you 
can find similar materials, I would go for it. I've had absolutely NO 
maintenance on the surface of my track in the last 4 years. Another product 
that looks even better Dibond made by Alusuisse Corp in Benton, KY. This 
material is two sheets of aluminum (coil coated) laminated over an inert 
plastic core.  Extremely light weight, very strong but also somewhat 
expensive. This will be used on the next portable track I build. A 1/8 
section of a 10-11' radius curve should weigh less than 15 pounds! It is 
possible that I may be able to make a portable track 22' x 20' that weighs 
less than 150 pounds!
Keep your steam up!
Walt Swartz 

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