My Ruby (ser. #276) has R/C added (no "de-glitcher") and doesn't seem
to have that problem. I only use one servo on the J-bar but have
considered adding a servo to the steam valve just to "fine-tune" the
smoothness of rolling off from a dead stop. After saying that, I really
don't remember the last time that I ran the Ruby without pulling any
cars. The added weight probably smooths things a bit.
  I usually open my steam valve enough to allow running at the maximum
desired speed when the J-bar is in the full forward or reverse position.
Gas valve set to just maintain steam at that speed. I have noticed that
if I open the steam valve more than I usually do, Ruby seems to be less
controllable through the J-bar. I have pretty much discovered where the
"brotherhood notch" is on my particular Ruby and operate close to that
on most runs.
  I'm  FAR from an expert on R/C or steam. Just thought I'd share what
worked for me.


"M. Paterson" wrote:

>   The Ruby has a very course adjustment on the
> throttle and a small adjustment provides a significant
> change in steam release.
> mp

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