At 14:15 05-12-00 -0500, 
Gentle men & ladies
Please excuse the cross posting.
late I know, but I feel that some on the list do not realize the difference.
Also do not put a UK loco up against an American Loco there is a difference
in size, not due to scale, but to the different "loading gauges" (sizes
between the various countries).

well what is 1/32 scale?
USA =3/8" to the foot or in the rest of the world 9.54mm to the foot,
I hate to advise this but most people world-wide use the easier 10mm to the
foot measurement.
In fact Henry Greenley the Pom who designed locos for Bassett Lowke,  
used 10mm to the foot back in the 1920's (or there abouts).
The Gauge 1 model Railway Society also generally use 
1/30 scale as it is easier to work with!
10 mm to the foot, makes the scale about 1/30 incidently!
ie the aster Garrett would be only a few mm longer in 1/30 scale & not
noticeable IMO.
OOH! that would mean that Aristo in 1/29 is only 0.45mm longer 
per foot than what we are generally building now isn't it.
So when the US eventually goes Metric I suggest we could all use 10mm to
the foot scale.
to use this scale without fractionsetc try the following.
when a building or carriage is 65 feet long, just multiply by 10 = 650mm is
the scale length.

re Track unless you are a charlatan & can steal someone else's design, a
new sleeper die for 64mm (2.5") will cost a small fortune to make, & I
don't expect you would see it turn a profit until well into the next

I'm sorry but I'm getting too cynical to expect some 
800 list members to throw money at me to make them
live steam &electric powered locos & rolling stock in 1/32, just because it
might be in fashion at the time.

disclaimer: we will all model what we want to, & what scale we want to, I
enjoy model trains in the company of other train people, as long as the
wheels fit the track gauge you can run it on my railway!
parts of original posted.
answer to specific areas in text.
>>I have an equal problem with both AristoCraft and USA Trains when it
>>comes to 1:29 scale.  1:29 is simply wrong for the gauge of the track.
>>No amount of rhetoric from any 1:29 advocate will change that fact.

so who but a rivet counter cares?
>>I have never criticised the quality or running performance of either
>>AristoCraft or USA Trains products.  My comments are limited solely to
>>the inaccuracies of 1:29 scale on 45 gauge track. 
>>Rather, I am attempting to help the industry avoid the "0" scale

help by not helping I think would be better 

>>situation occurring in LS which was brought about largely by the same
>>sort of mentality that seems to nowadays be fuelling the attitudes of

Tony Cotton
Adelaide Loco Works 
South Australia 
Ph/fax intl -61-8-82484430

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