Just a suggestion. I have not tried this , but it seems like it should work.
Lay the rail on its side between 2 pieces of wood.
Slide a weight along the rail until a definite bend is noticed. Mark the
rail and turn it over 180 degrees. Run the test again. If there is a
significant difference in the bend point, you'll have a good stating point.
Do it from both ends of the rail of course.

Phil.P. Reading,Pa.

> was once on a huge roll for shipment from the foundry and mill. Thus the
> rail retains a memory from prolonged rolled storage. Just a theory. Any
> suggestions for knowing ahead of bending which way the rail might be
> biased to bend?
> Gary Lane
> Eugene, OR
> I have used two different rail benders and prefer the
> Llagas Creek unit.  I strongly recommend that you
> attach the bender to a work surface to assure
> repeatable curves.\

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