Hi Salty;

        Someone else mentioned this, but I'll reemphasize. Try the Sharpie
Permanent markers. They will rub off and alcohol will remove them too. But
they are "more" permanent than any other markers I've used.

Phil.P. Reading,PA.

>      I agree with this,  I have been using magic markers in place of dykem
> for years.  Magic markers can be obtained in a number of colors and you
> put the mark right where you want it.  The down side is that it comes off
> much easier than dykem.  Maybe someone ought to get the two companies that
> make these products together and have them make a marker filled with
> Of course it would probably be like the magic markers that I forget to put
> the tops back on that dry out.  Getting old and forgetful is the pitts.
> but retirememt is great.
> Salty CC&BW

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