Hi Geoff,
      If you really want a Dubro Tube bender, I will track one down for you 
in the Bay Area and send you one. For Free.
      One minor condition;-  A steamup on your 3.5" Britannia when we 
travel to your area during our RV trips.
      Tony D.

At 07:58 PM 3/16/01 -0800, Geoff Spenceley wrote:
>Yes Tony et al,
>On  tubing bending and springs, I also like Walt's sand idea which I'm
>going to try next time. I'll have to look for those Dubro tube benders too,
>but this area doesn't have a hobby shop of any consequence AT ALL.
>  Guy Fawkes and Catherine wheels"! Ah nostalgia!
>Rule Britannia, and it's running!!  still getting the coal out of my
>scorched lungs!
>Hi Geoff,
> >     I have also seen the flaired springs, but not in small gauge sizes. So
> >I use small parrallel springs. They are ok for the small amount of bending
> >I need to do. The Dubro tube bender from airplane or boat model shops looks
> >good also.
> >
> >     Am I the only other person who understood your comment on "Catherine
> >Wheels"?.
> >     Bet no one knows who Guy Fawkes was either!!!.
> >     "Rule Britannia!".
> >      Tony D.

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