Who was it wrote "God Rot Tunbridge Wells" ?
I recall there was a miserable movie/TV play made of it,

> From: Tag Gorton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Multiple recipients of sslivesteam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Guy Fawkes - YAK
> Date: Wednesday, March 21, 2001 4:32 PM
> on 21/3/01 8:07 am, Mike Chaney at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> Question;-   What  is   Tunbridge Wells?.
> > 
> > Not what, but where?  It is (was!) a very genteel town in Kent - South
> > England for the geographically challenged.  (England is part of an
island on
> > the Eastern side of the Atlantic Ocean.)
> > 
> > Many years ago, "Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells" was the pseudonym used
by a
> > regular correspondent to (I think) the BBC - or was it The Times
> > newspaper? - and the phrase has since been absorbed into the language.
> > 
> > Some UK place names sound a bit odd when received on the other side of
> pond.  An American friend always found the town name "Dorking" - to be
> amusing but I never did find out why.
> -- 
> Yours Aye
> Tag Gorton
> Longlands & Western Railway Co
> Trematon Office
> ICQ* 96182312

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