On Thursday, August 16, 2001, at 06:48  pm, Matthias Warmbold wrote:

> I intend to buy Lady Anne from Roundhouse. I would
> prefer her with an inside frame so that I can see the
> complete wheels. Besides, I would like to see the
> excess steam to exit through a whistle soldered onto
> the safety valve. Has anyone experience with these
> modifications and could refer me to someone who could
> do it.
I am a bit baffled by this last Matthias :-) - if you had a whistle 
somehow cobbled onto the safety valve then would it not sound all the 
time the safety was blowing???  Normal practice is to fit whistle valve 
with a whistle between the frames and use a servo to use the whistle 
when required.
> What are the parts of a slide valve and piston valve,
> how do they work? All I know is that slide valves are
> superior because you can easily fix leaks in the
> seals. Is there anywhere information on the web
> (descriptions, drawings, etc.)?

Slide valves are not particularly superior to piston valves and in fact 
roundhouse have piston valves on their latest locomotive
> It seems that there are no 45mm live steam enthusiasts
> in Montreal or close by. I would appreciate to see a
> loco in operation before I buy my first one.

Suggest subscribing to "Steam in the Garden" and joining the 
"Association of 16mm Narrow Gauge Modellers".  These sources will 
provide access to local live steamers (if any) and will in any case 
provide a wealth of information.

The modifications you suggest would require a significant knowledge and 
skill to undertake and I would personally prefer to start from scratch 
rather than alter a rather expensive Lady Anne.  You could of course 
purchase a Lady Anne kit and modify that.
Yours Aye

Tag Gorton

Longlands & Western Railway
Trematon office

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