Hello List,

   I've started to post this a couple of times but always resisted for
whatever reason. I came across the link in my bookmarks just a few
moments ago and decided that someone else might get as big a kick out of
it as I did.
   The Poway-Midland Railroad, in Poway, California,
(www.powaymidlandrr.org, Note: it's org, not com) has an operational
0-4-0 that just almost has to be what Ruby was generally modeled after.
At least this is the closest full size locomotive that I've found so far
to Ruby. It was originally a tank engine but now has shed her saddle
tank and pulls a tender. In their pictures section, there are a couple
of great pics that shows the classic 3/4 view and one with a man
standing beside it for size comparison. I've not seen pics of the
   Anyone have any full side view photos of the locomotive and tender?



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