Thanks,  a completely different approach.  I will examine that concept
tonight.  You called it a steam stop valve which might explain how sensitive
it was to just the slightest change.

Steve Ciambrone
Sr. Test Engineer
L-3 Ocean Systems

        Dunno what the hash is Steve but Excelsior is controlled with a
        servo for speed AND
          direction, the original 'throttle being used as just a 'steam stop

        valve'.  It works in the same way as single channel Pearse locos and
        reversing piston valve below the smoke box is actually a reverser 
        regulator.  You need to remove the reversing gate, fit a servo in
        sidetank and make up a linkage using partly the reversing linkage 
        already in place
        Yours Aye

        Tag Gorton

        Longlands & Western Railway
        Trematon office

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