I am glad some steam is getting into or returning to Garden Railways

Is it possible Kalmbach or Horovitz is trying to elicit a strong response
from steamers? If an article is crafted to try to elicit a strong response
and is successful, then the editors know they are reaching a market, even if
smaller than the sparkie market. If the receive little response, then the
editor should rightly conclude there is little readership interest and the
column should be reassigned to a different interest other than live steam.

Therefore, I conclude all of us who read the article and did have a response
(positive or critical) should respond in writting to Kalmbach. If we are in
favor of well written articles about steam then they are more likley to
support retaining the space for steam. With Accucraft releasing detailed
steam aggressively marketed in the US I believe steam will grow in
popularity. Roundhouse and Aster do not seem to be advertising as well as
Accucraft and are not focused on American steam like Accucraft, which should
create a stronger steam market in the US.

My peat's worth
Gary Lane
Eugene, OR

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