This sounds like a fun winter project.
Nothing is irretrievable.
Peter Trounce.

> From: Geoff Spenceley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Multiple recipients of sslivesteam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Aster Alison Shay (now horror story)
> Date: Friday, November 09, 2001 3:33 PM
> Thanks Keith,
> My curiosity is satiated!!
> Geoff.
> >> Seriously, a sad turn of events--but what a challenge--who has it now,
> >> wonder?
> >>
> >> Geoff.
> >Hi Geoff,
> >The loco is currently sitting in a wooden case in my library, waiting
> >the owner to come and pick back up. I can pass on your name if you wish?
> >I wouldn't touch it with a stick!
> >Instead of using the nice little pre packaged baggies of fasteners, the
> >"builder" apparently opened all of the sacks, dumped them into a Dixie
> >and just fished around for something "close" when assembling the model.
> >one fastener is in it's correct place, except by accident!
> >Keith
> >
> >

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