In answer to Peter, Harry and Robert,
If the loco were mine, it would be a great winter project. The fellow who
owns it thought he was getting a deal, knowing what running Renos are
bringing. Unfortunately, he has WAY too much invested in it, for the
condition it's in. He can't afford to pay for the repairs it would need
without getting further behind in value. And he doesn't want to sell it for
it's real value now.
I took some of my stash of Aster fasteners and assembled it into a complete
unit, putting those items that aren't missing, back where they belong. It
now looks like a loco, even though it is a long way from running. To be a
proper restoration would require completely dismantling, and starting from
scratch, along with repainting everything. (for some reason, possibly poor
storage, ALL of the paint has flaked very badly!) So, as I said, if it were
my locomotive, I wouldn't count the time required to rebuild it. But he
presently has way more invested in it than I'd be willing to pay,
considering the fact that all of the weird mistakes would have to be
identified and then built over from scratch. The fellow has a number of
other Aster loco's, none of which have ever been run, that I know of. So, I
guess, one more will not bother him greatly!
Believe me, if it could be had for it's present worth, it would be mine!


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