I need to do some lettering on a Class A Climax I'm completing. My penmanship is
appalling, but I have been able to generate what I need on computer. Are there
any companies offering a computer file to decal type of service? Ideally I'd
like to email the file and get back the decals by FedEx. Is this in the realms
of reality? If not what other methods do you use?
BTW, as an update to the ceramic burner and boiler used on this loco,
repositioning the burner as per Bob's suggestion worked really well. I've since
fitted an engine driven feed pump geared off the Graham engine and the boiler
level and presrure keeps up with the steam demand of the Graham with cold water
being fed in via the pump.


Keith Manison                                       Phone (876)702-0337
7 Mulberry Close                                    Fax   (876)702-0661
Jacks Hill P.A.                            Email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kingston 6, Jamaica W.I. 

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