At 03:56 PM 2/9/02 -0500, you wrote:
>Do they mean 2002 or did this project never get off the ground?
>I see a very distinct resemblance to the Hemmens Porter

    This is in every visible way (except the paint) a Maxwell Hemmens
Porter.  (I have one on my desk in front of me).  It's a well done little
locomotive.  It's also a shame, as Tag partly says, that dealings with the
parent company (and also a then US representative for Hemmens in the early
1990's) which involved sending out money in advance upon the promise of
goods in return, often resulted in a frustrating, acrimonious, and
sometimes painful experiences for the sendee!
     If the UK cast of characters are the same (and they may very well NOT
be), on no account would I ever send money in front for an order of goods
not already in the hands of a US dealer; consider buying some ENRON stock
instead.  If the goods are in stock, with an otherwise reputable US dealer,
that's a completely different matter.  This should in no way be taken as a
reflection on any US dealer but rather as an indication of the past
shenannigans of the Hemmens folk.  It's a shame really because he did some
of the best steam fittngs available.

Harry Wade
Nashville, Tn

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