On 9/2/02 at 10:46 pm, Harry Wade said:

>At 03:56 PM 2/9/02 -0500, you wrote:
>>Do they mean 2002 or did this project never get off the ground?
>>I see a very distinct resemblance to the Hemmens Porter
>    This is in every visible way (except the paint) a Maxwell Hemmens
>Porter.  (I have one on my desk in front of me).  It's a well done little
>locomotive.  It's also a shame, as Tag partly says,

It did get through then Harry!!  I sent this post via my current ISP smtp
but an subscribed via my Unisonfree account on this list.  I don't get a
list copy of my own post :-)

Yours Aye
Tag Gorton

Longlands & Western Railway
Trematon Office

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