On 13/3/02 at 7:37 am, Gary Broeder said:

>Mike, and other inquiring minds of the list,
>Sharp eyes Mike. I noticed that Tom's (or maybe it was Colin's) line drawing
>also shows them the wrong way round too!
>Is Tom still tinkering around over there?
Not really Gary.  he does turn up at the llanfair show but he is really
looking quite ill and uncared for.  I know that many people have strong
ideas about TC but this man introduced me and many others to the joys of
live steam garden railways.  I still think that "Steamlines" was an
excellent and much enjoyed magazine which unfortunately never could
actually get out on time but whiched was full of enthusiasm.  Tom Cooper
kickstarted live steam narrow gauge into the mainstream and in process
provided much pleasure for many people. I know of course that Tom made
many mistakes and some of the locomotives were certainly not "as sure as
sunrise", but it should be remembered that he and the other pioneers of
affordable live steam were going into uncharted waters.

 I don't know what Colin is doing today.

Yours Aye
Tag Gorton

Longlands & Western Railway
Trematon Office

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