I can't give the web-site reference, but boiler lagging tests by Chuck
Hackett in the larger scales showed the following -

adding a jacket, giving a trapped air gap, made a difference

adding insulation ie. lagging, produced NO additional benefit.

better however to have something to provide a hard foundation for the jacket
& to minimize denting.

With our sizes ie 1/20 & 1/32 I have used thin cork & thin card, & also the
thin ceramic stuff.
Theoretically, cork might stink, card disintegrate & certainly with the
ceramic you will spend a bit of time getting the little shards out of your
Corrosion should not be a problem. I have had a loco with thin tinplate
jacketting which has not corroded after many years.

Art Walker

----- Original Message -----
From: "Z.R. Struzik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Multiple recipients of sslivesteam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 12:21 PM
Subject: boiler insulation

> Dear Friends,
> I have about 2.0-2.5mm space between the boiler and the
> jacket and I wonder whether insulating the boiler would
> be a good idea and what the best material for this would be.
> I am considering ceramic sheet like the one used for the
> smokebox insulation or mineral or glass wool.
> The only thing that I am concerned with would be possible
> moisture accumulation and corrosion to the boiler.
> Many thanks for any advice!
> Happy steaming,
> Zbigniew


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