Re lagging,  I note that the Aster KGV kit had no insulation around the
boiler--just an air gap. The burners and smoke box had insulation, of
course. The Flying Scotsman doesn't either, yet both locos  seem to run
just as well as those with insulation (ceramic sheet or asbestos) . The
boiler jacket is strong enough to withstand normal handling. I believe a
lot depends on the type of boiler too.

Art, I haven't noted any shards in my leathery fingers from ceramic
sheet--at least it was described as "ceramic" sheet--it wasn't asbestos.
Don't the shards come from fibre glass material?


I can't give the web-site reference, but boiler lagging tests by Chuck
>Hackett in the larger scales showed the following -
>adding a jacket, giving a trapped air gap, made a difference
>adding insulation ie. lagging, produced NO additional benefit.
>better however to have something to provide a hard foundation for the jacket
>& to minimize denting.
>With our sizes ie 1/20 & 1/32 I have used thin cork & thin card, & also the
>thin ceramic stuff.
>Theoretically, cork might stink, card disintegrate & certainly with the
>ceramic you will spend a bit of time getting the little shards out of your
>Corrosion should not be a problem. I have had a loco with thin tinplate
>jacketting which has not corroded after many years.
>Art Walker
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Z.R. Struzik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Multiple recipients of sslivesteam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2002 12:21 PM
>Subject: boiler insulation
>> Dear Friends,
>> I have about 2.0-2.5mm space between the boiler and the
>> jacket and I wonder whether insulating the boiler would
>> be a good idea and what the best material for this would be.
>> I am considering ceramic sheet like the one used for the
>> smokebox insulation or mineral or glass wool.
>> The only thing that I am concerned with would be possible
>> moisture accumulation and corrosion to the boiler.
>> Many thanks for any advice!
>> Happy steaming,
>> Zbigniew


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