At 11:11 AM 10/24/02 -0400, you wrote:
>What happens to my toys after I'm gone is something I have been wondering
about.  I was thinking I should go through all my "stuff", and make a list
of what it's worth, and who should be contacted about disposing of it.
Otherwise, my wife would have no idea what to do, or what it is worth.

      Of course what it's "worth" is going to vary depending upon many
things but certainly most of us would want our survivors to realize the
most value from whatever we'd accumulated after we are gone.  That being
the case I've never thought it was of much used to price objects so much as
to inform your heirs that there is considerable value there and that
whenever time for disposal comes they should seek honest and competent
advice about the value at that time and to not do anything in a hurry.
     At the moment I have a considerable workshop.  However there is no
telling what will be in it say 25 years from now so the only thing to do
now is to document as completely as possible what is there and what goes
with what.  Then I informed my daughter, who is likely to be my only
survovivor, that there is considerable value there, that there are a
species known as "Vultures" who prey on the berieved, and in the case of my
demise she should not sell it all for $100 to someone who offers to clean
out that junk room for you.  Leaving survivors as informed as possible is
the best way to insure passing along the most value.

Harry Wade
Nashville, Tn

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