
I didn't see any response on you alky leak, or I may have missed one.
Alcohol has a lower viscosity, does it not, and it is lighter than water
with less surface tension too so it will leak out of a pin hole where water
may not.

Close the feed valves and put air in the tank and submerge it in water or
gin--whichever is handiest. The bubbles will tell you where the leak is.
Then drink the gin while you fix the leak. I had a leaking tank on a
Finescale 48XX and that is the only way I could find it.  After that show,
I  performed the test whether the tank was leaking or not--Hic!


>       No I have had a puzzling problem pop up ;; made a new chicken feeder
>tank ;; did all air leak checking tried it with water and walla worked great
>;; put it in the tender and filled with Metholhydrate and the b----y thing
>leaked  tried it again in water and it worked .
>      Put my thinking cap on again but they must loose their powewr with age
>;; have you ever come across this condition before and if yes what was the
>trouble ?
>         Graham S ( without a cap )
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Geoff Spenceley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Multiple recipients of sslivesteam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 10:03 PM
>Subject: Re: boiler insulation
>> Dear Zbigniew,
>> Thanks for all your comments and suggestions.
>> To correct myself on the A3, there wasn't much play in the valve gear,  it
>> was in the reverser and the linkage to the valve gear, more for my
>> satisfaction than the expectation of better running, as it it runs very
>> well now.
>> I did assemble a C&S Mogul--the play in all parts of the valve gear was
>> "overplayed".--It was sloppy! There was one fellow, whose name I can't
>> recall, who solved the problem by manufacturing all new valve gear!
>> Probably the only way to sure success! I appreciate your input and
>> experience on assembly and testing.
>> Steam on,
>> Geoff.
>>  Dear Geoff,
>> >Thank you for your kind words. As I elaborated on in another email
>> >just sent, I am still hesitant about the gap. Measurements convince
>> >me, although the extra amount of work and the need to shop for the
>> >components may be a strong counter-argument. I haven't decided yet.
>> >I have to remark that my efforts to keep every Joule of energy in
>> >place should make me a perfect Dutchman;^)! But as to my origins,
>> >they are more steam-and-narrow-gauge-land than under-water-land!
>> >I am most intrigued by your work on removing the play in the valve
>> >gear. I believe this is a long researched phenomenon in the C&S Mogul,
>> >but I have recently been playing around with the valve gear wondering
>> >if the play of about 1 mm should not be reduced... (the steam inlets
>> >in the cylinders are about 1.5 mm!!) In effect symmetrical steam
>> >transfer is only possible in one direction (say forward) while
>> >the other direction will be strongly asymmetrical (only one side of the
>> >cylinder will receive steam). Surprisingly, air test only shows
>> >later activation of the movement in the asymmetrical direction, not
>> >a much more violent and irregular (un-smooth) running. In fact, for
>> >small openings of the reverser the running is very nervous and violent
>> >in both directions (symmetrical and asymmetrical steam inlet opening)
>> >to the same degree. This would mean that there is little practical
>> >need for removing the play, it would only shorten the dead region
>> >in the reverser range but not improve the running for small opening.
>> >Happy steaming!
>> >Zbigniew


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