
That "paint line in the garden" crack hit waaaayyyy too close to home!  
Just because I slowly walk around my yard following an orange
line spray painted on the ground, a glass of wine in hand going
"choo-choo-choo" doesn't mean that I won't eventually build the world
most complex and expensive backyard track!!!!   Besides, my C-16 has
been surgically altered to eliminate the oil spreading feature so
thoughtfully included by its designer! 



Anthony Dixon wrote:
> Hi David,
>     Is this a polite way of saying you have no facilities yet for mopping
> up your track after C16s!. And no ash pit either!. We are patient people.
> We can wait for at least two weeks.
>     Congratulations again, and pleased that you got way beyond the paint
> line in the garden stage. (Now that is being really facetiuos!).
>     Tony D.
> At 09:05 AM 11/20/02 -0800, Dave Cole wrote:
> >At 7:35 PM -0800 11/19/02, Jeffrey Williams wrote:
> >>So should we all show up at 10:00 am this Saturday for your first steamup?
> >>
> >>===================
> >
> >thanks to one and all who sent not only publicly encouraging words, but
> >those who contacted me privately as well.
> >
> >jeff's note, while i'm sure was intended to be facetious, isn't too far
> >off the mark. i am awaiting some of those bridge clamps from hillman and
> >then will get the bridges working ... i don't really want guests until i
> >can guarantee egress and right now getting out of the circle when the
> >rails are all down can be exciting.
> >
> >i have a steamup-bay/storage yard that is now not connected to the main
> >loop -- i'm going to have to build a turnout that is at an interesting
> >angle to get the bay on-line to the mainline.
> >
> >plus, there have to be a lot more test runs -- i wouldn't want anything to
> >happen to jeff's c-16, for example.
> >
> >rest assured that there will be an announcement on the pcls list soon
> >about a steamup.
> >
> >\dmc
> >
> >--
> >^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> >Dave Cole
> >Gen'l Sup't:  Grand Teton & Everglades Steam Excursion Co.
> >               Pacifica, Calif. USA <> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >List Mom:     sslivesteam, the list of small-scale live steamers
> >               <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

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