The trick to get the photocell to detect water is to realise that a liquid 
(water) filled column has a different refractive index as compared to the steam 
filled glass tube.  You have to position the cells at an acute angle to the 
veridical axis of the sight glass.  As a demonstration place a pencil or rod 
behind the glass and look through it at the rod.  If it appears continuous the 
glass is empty, if it appears to be "broken" you are looking through the liquid 
in the glass.


On Sun, 29 Dec 2002 11:05:16 -0600, Trent Dowler wrote:

-Hello All,
-     If it is- or ever was- of interest to anyone, I found the item below on
-eBay. It is only the electronics from one of the paintball marker hoppers that
-was being discussed earlier as a possible donor for boiler feed pump use.
-     The servo is not shown or being auctioned, but it gives you an idea of 
-the sensor eye and "X-Board" look like.
-     The sensor for the paintball is shown and is the black "U" shaped piece 
-fits in the "neck" of the hopper. It's standing on it's edge so it has a 
-parallax error to it's shape. I was told that the molded piece for the sensor 
-simply to hold everything in place and could be separated with some attention 
-care. (Try it at your own risk, etc.) As it is, the opening between the two 
-are approximately .73" apart. If the eyes were removed from the existing 
-they could be moved closer together to go on either side of a sight glass. 
-would the sensors detect the water level (clear) in the sight glass (also 
-Haven't figured that one out. If someone used a test tube or something on the
-existing sensor, they might could see if it would work with a sight glass.
-Perhaps Trot Fox could elaborate on the capacitive sensor that he mentioned
-earlier since it appears to be the better solution.
-     A local paintball field operator has agreed to show me how to convert the
-electronics so that you can either use the supplied photoelectric eyes or a
-manual over ride (simple switch) to activate the servo. He said that it is 
-easy and only requires an inexpensive switch and wire from Radio Shack. If 
-as simple as a switch, I don't see a reason that almost any form of sensor 
-makes a contact could not be used. Ahh, the possibilities!
-     He also agreed to sell the "X-Board" for $10.00 (plus actual shipping 
-to anyone who wanted one, but they could be easily found almost anywhere for
-about the same price.
-    Earlier I mentioned the possibility of finding one of the older 9-volt
-hoppers at a reasonable price. I was told that everyone upgraded the board 
-and kept everything else. The 9-volt boards were simply thrown in the trash or
-the parts box. It might pay to ask about the 9-volt board at your local 
-     Sorry to have went so long.
-     (usual disclaimers)
-Title of item:  Revy X-Board w/ Paintball Sensor Eye 4 Hopper
-go to:
-Item Description:
-        The X-BOARD is an all-new Circuit board that will upgrade your current
-Viewloader 12 Volt Revolution. The X-BOARD will increase the power to the 
-by 15%.
-Faster feed rate to minimize ball breakage and dry fires
-Sun proof electronics
-Moisture resistant protection
-Extended battery life
- Also included is the revy paint sensor eye which causes the revy to spin. 
-items are in perfect condition and were taken out of my revy when I got my 
-Gun and hopper NOT included. Buyer is bidding on the x-board chip and eye 
-TrotFox Greyfoot wrote:
-> If you're going to go to that amount of trouble you may as well just use a
-> capacitive sensor to detect the actual liquid in the glass.  I suspect you
-> could also detect the liquid level optically by depending on the
-> refraction difference of the water though.

>From time to time the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of patriots and 
 Thomas Jefferson

I didn't leave the Republican Party, the Republican Party left me.

A libertarian is a person who has become alarmed at the coming conservative police 

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