Even when I put the smaller head on the pump it still did the same thing. I
have not seen a bypass valve for this gauge.

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Jeanne Baer
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 8:57 PM
To: Multiple recipients of sslivesteam
Subject: Re: 360 Servo conversion [was: R/C question]

This sort of experience happens when the pump is oversize compared to the
boiler's needs. The tipoff is the pump producing "an incredible amount of
water." The output of the pump for most gauge 1 locos needs to be only a
dribble when you disconnect the bypass line and allow the pump to discharge
onto the ground. Axle pumps have proved satisfactory in everything from 0
gauge on up, especially when combined with a bypass valve which permits fine

Victor Lacy

----- Original Message -----
To: "Multiple recipients of sslivesteam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 7:29 PM
Subject: RE: 360 Servo conversion [was: R/C question]

> Do not try an axle driven pump. I took the Regner off the servo and
> it into my Accucraft Shay. I connected the pump with an eccentric mounted
> the crankshaft next to the rear valve eccentric. The pump would pump an
> incredible amount of water and worked well when it wasn't connected to the
> boiler. Once it was, the engine would require a great deal more throttle
> keep it moving forward. When the pressure would reach 40 psi the pump and
> engine would stop!! I'm afraid our engines do not produce enough torque to
> overcome the pressure.
> Chad


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