Vance, In a recent conversation with Jim Pitts, he talked about doing a
survey to see "Who" is in this hobby, and collect information like: age,
background,education,where do you live, how many engines, what kind,
ect,ect. some information may be sensitive  like "income" so one would need
to be discreet or anonymous. This survey would cover everyone willing to
respond. He is not sure how to reach everyone? not everyone has internet
access, and the closest thing to a mailing list would come from DH and local
clubs. not very cost effective.
 The down side of doing this survey is it may scare away the
manufactures.( given the average age one would expect) hehe.
Jeff in NC
----- Original Message -----
From: "Vance Bass" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Multiple recipients of sslivesteam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 15, 2003 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: Accucraft live steam Daylight GS-4: It's for real!

> It certainly makes sense that it would be Aster.  Their past products
> have been more aligned with the UK/European tastes than American.
> And, given that so many of their previous locos have been alcohol
> fired, it also makes sense that the people responding to an Aster
> survey (i.e., current Aster owners, I suspect) would prefer what Aster
> has already made.  It would be really interesting to see the same
> survey conducted by Roundhouse or Accucraft.
> regards,
>   -vance-
> Vance Bass
> Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA
> Small-scale live steam resources:

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