At 06:52 PM 3/17/03 -0800, you wrote:
>Sounds like someone dislikes Aster in particular and people who run ' em 
>in general.  Dem grapes sure are looking sour!

      Wouldn't be the first.  At DH several years ago an individual from
the northeast was noticeably vocal in his criticism of Aster, to the point
where you had to ask yourself what's wrong with this picture? (or . . OK
already, we hear you, please feel free to keep further opinion to
yourself.)  It was a simple case of sour grapes.  Aster products are out of
reach for many, even if they wanted one, but such is life.  Several years
ago when I was still riding all my riding buddies rode $15,000+ bikes and
mine might have brought $1500, but I rode just as far and as fast and had
just as much fun as they did, and I never had to worry about someone
accidentally putting a fingerprint on it.


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