----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel McGrath" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> You Sir are a "Pack Rat" after my own heart!  Further more on springs,
> Hardware Stores carry a selection of small steel springs that I have
> usable for safty valves on Ruby ect.
The springs in the pump bottles are perfect for safety valves, and you
don't have to drive to the hardware store to get it!! But, the biggest
point in their favor, is the fact that they are stainless!! No more
rusting safety valve springs!! But, for those of us who do not wish to
tear apart out already working safety valves, a little tip from an old
timer friend of mine. At the end of your run, put a drop or two of steam
cylinder oil into the orifice on top of the safety valve. The spring and
ball will keep any from getting into the boiler, so you won't have to
worry about foaming. But, the oil will protect any non stainless spring
you may have already used, from rusting. The next time you steam up,
when you test the safety valve (which you should do EVERY time you fire
up!) the escaping steam will blow all traces of oil away, so again, none
can get into the boiler. If you do this every time you clean up, you
will be able to extend the life of your spring almost indefinitely!


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