Hello All,

     Although I tried desperately to refrain, I finally gave in and allowed a
mental picture of a Shay with a 'cow-catcher' to amble through my mind. Have
they no shame?! I'm all for a good "whimsical" creation on occasion, but this I
could never stand for. (all said in good humor)
     However, in defense of the Brits, their actions could be comparable to me
going "over there" to conduct a documentary and not fully understanding the
history of their locomotives and railroad practices. I'm sure that at some point
they would shake their heads and walk away mumbling obscenities.

Trent, who is afraid to go to sleep for fear of dreaming of Shays with
'cow-catchers'. <cold shiver>

> > As a result, Brits will soon be regaled with the epic driving of the
> Golden
> > Spike and the locomotives will be the shay, with a "cow catcher" attached
> to
> > the foot boards and the pilot painted blue to represent one of the
> > locomotives and faced in the other direction, the pilot is a pinkish-red.

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