Some interesting data there!
Note the high number of people that started with a Frank-SO when you
consider it's price compared to the introductory Ruby. I feel this is due to
the large exposure LGB was able to cover of train fans/collectors, not just
live steam people. I feel Aster and some of the other old line manufacturers
are "preaching to the choir" and not out on the street corner recruiting
converts like the "Sally Ann" did years ago.
With the number of people that want a 4-4-0, guess I'd better put my Reno on
the market. It is even gas fired!
Now if I can just find a BR&P consolidation, I'll be a happy camper.
Spent most of today, until the rains came, working on the expansion of The
SWAMP RR. Three more steaming bays -- outside this time -- along with 60 to
90 additional feet of 'yard' storage tracks.
Keep your steam up!
Mr. Lunkenheimer's associate


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