At 06:57 PM 3/23/03 -0500, you wrote:
>On the subject of "best" kind of line,

        Gentlemen, please!  Talking about "best" is a waste of time when best is a
function of personal preference and/or individual circumstance.  For
instance, "best" to me is hands down an elevated line, in fact ground level
is so ill-advised it isn't an option for me.  I have a creek which flows
the whole length of my lot but every few years (sooner than later) this
otherwise gentle and picturesque stream gets frisky and rises to take away
anything left on or near its banks.  And much as I'd like to I couldn't
cross it with a model stone aqueduct because all that work would be gone
with the next 20-year rain.  Other considerations such as space, cost,
convenience, and maintenance fall in behind storm water on my list, but
those are my individual circumstances and couldn't be declared as "best"
for everyone else.  It would be more useful to talk in terms of options and
what works in you in your particular circumstance.


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