Thanks Keith,

With experts like you and J.R wot else can a fellow need.

I'll write you off list as you kindly offer.


>While opening the fire door a bit, does have it's uses, it will also
>give some extra oxygen to burn up the unburned coal in the smoke, and
>give you a bit cleaner stack, at such times,  like when you first put on
>a big batch of green coal. But, you still need to control the air UNDER
>the fire, to get better control of the fire!! The air coming in on TOP
>of the fire, will only react with the unburned carbon in the smoke, and
>will not greatly affect the fire bed. which gets it's air from beneath.
>You also have to worry about a blast of cold air, from an open door,
>hitting the tube sheet, as that can cause warping, and will eventually
>bring on leaky tubes. On my firedoors, I have a disk of metal that
>rotates, and when it's in one position, it allows tiny holes to admit
>air, in controlled amounts, to help with burning the hydrocarbons that
>have left the fire bed in the smoke, but not allow a huge blast of cold
>air to hit the tube sheets. When rotated the other direction, it closes
>off the holes entirely, to seal the upper fire bed from external air
>after the smoke is burned off. To adjust the firing rate, you are much
>better off to have dampers, which are nothing more than a controlable
>coor at the front and rear of the ash pan. If you do not want a big slug
>of cold air to come up in the front of the fire, and by-pass the bulk of
>th4e fire, plus cooling the tube sheet, you only open the front damper a
>bit. Then opening the rear damper, allows the bulk of the air being
>drawn in to pass through the bulk of the fire bed, supplying air where
>you want it, when you want it to do so. You can get away with out
>working dampers by just having the air openings in the front of the ash
>pan, a bit smaller than the openings in the back. I have 3/4" scale
>locos with both graduated openings, and working door type dampers.
>Write to me off list if you'd like a sketch or more detailed verbal


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