Hey Spenceley,

I have a length of .125" ID stainless that I just haven't installed yet. I need the olive fittings so that I can get it in there non-permanent. The only thing keeping me away from getting those is the desire to completely modify the valve gear on the loco. ;] I have this idea that I can (with help from a friend who's into robotics and custom lathe work) add slide valves and working outside valve-gear to the Ruby.

One of these years. ;]

Trot, the idea-filled, fox...

At 07:13 PM 4/2/03, Geoff Spenceley wrote:
Hey Solomon,

 I really enjoy your comments to our group. (except for cats!) That is an
interesting point you make,-- the steam chest on the Ruby is very similar
to air operated equipment and it works very well. The quick response on the
Johnson Bar (which it is not really) depends on the porting design in the
valve chest.

I like the steam chest in my RC  Merlin Matterhorn for example, it is
excellent for radio control, on, off and stop all with one servo.

I know what you mean about the long line to the steam chest-if I ever alky
my Ruby, I'll heat that tube.  With the factory butane production,  a steam
line  (with some  modifications and SS,) could also be run down the center
flue. That condensation is bothersome  and it wastes a lot of water.

Keep your interest up,


/\_/\ TrotFox \ Always remember, ( o o ) AKA Landon Solomon \ "There is a >\_/< [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ third alternative."

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