
You wrote:

> The 1:19 ratio is for the Length: ID.
> Try 3 x 3/8"OD or 4 or 5 x 5/16 perhaps.
> The Schools replacement boiler using a JvR type "C" layout that was
> published, uses two 1/2" tubes in a slightly longer barrel and that steams
> 2 cylinders about thye same size as you will want.

Sounds workable.

I'm currently up to the Mark VII design, which is proving to be unwieldy;
I'm going back to the simpler versions.  Fewer and bigger flues appears
the best direction to head at the moment.

Which leads me to a related silly question:  In a situation where a
semicircle won't fit between the bottom of the boiler barrel and the top
of the firebox, wouldn't it make sense to make the top of the firebox

                                - - Steve


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