Susan wrote:

> See:
> For info on collapse pressures of copper tube. Use the annealed table.
> Don't forget to allow the 8x safety margin and an allowance for wear.

Keep in mind that those tables already have a safety factor built into
them.  Which means that running at 1/8th the pressure shown in those
tables is just that much better!

> So the 0.032" to 0.035" wall (approx 20-21 SWG) tube looks okay - over
> 550 psi which will give a max 70 psi working pressure.
> My understanding is that about 1/4" ID is the smallest workable tube for
> a locomotive (i.e. horizontal) boiler.

Thanks.  I'm still juggling ideas;  I may have to resort to some

                                - - Steve


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