On 7/9/03 5:44 pm, "Geoff Spenceley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yep,
> Singed eyebrowqs--I know what you mean!! When I first started steaming with
> alcohol, at one time I had my sweatshirt alight, the loco alight and the
> ties alight with a big jet of flame from the alcohol tank.  Magically,
> nothing was damaged except my pride--and fortunately I was running  alone!
> I have hardly had one fire since then, experience is wonderful!

Hands up those who have never done it!  Some years ago I was filling a gas
fired loco on a still evening with an externally meths fired loco burning
eight feet a way on the same spur.  The gas crept down between the rails and
the @£$% flame raced back.  The very best one I have ever seen was my friend
George McKie filling his locomotive at a combined craft and model exhibition
in Tavistock pannier market.  He had never run indoors before and turned the
gas on before feeling in his pockets for a lighter.  When he lit his loco
there was a fairly significant bang and the hair of a lady on the craft
stall behind the layout went up like a candle!  Amazingly she did not notice
either the bang or the conflagration (I suspect she was deaf) and carried on
placidly knitting.  I am sure however that it cured her split ends - or so
my wife says.


Yours Aye

Tag Gorton
Longlands & Western Railway
Trematon Office


Directors: T. Gorton, Madame E. Lash

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