I guess I'm just a worrier. I'm just afraid that someday our hobby will
suffer the consequences that other hobbies have suffered. Take parking lot
rally racing. I used to enjoy taking my Porsche out and having some fun with
it at the local college. Nobody got hurt and the Police would run there
cruisers with us. Then because someone wasn't thinking about safety and
checking their car before the race, one of their tires came off and hit one
of the attendees. The person sued and won so our hobby came to an end. This
could have been avoided if the racer would have followed the rules and used
the lug nuts that was required. But he was one of those guy that you
couldn't tell him anything so we all lost out in the end. The same type of
thing happened when I flew model aircraft. The club was given land by the
local airport and the only rules were that you could not fly over the fence
behind us into the runways space,you had to fly below 400 feet and you could
not fly alone. That was a fair deal considering all the land we were given
and the fact that the airport built the runways for us. But apparently not
for everyone because one of our members decided to not only to fly his hot
dog plane alone but he went over the 400 foot barrier while doing stunts and
lost control of his aircraft. His aircraft crashed into a landing 727 FedEx
jet and cause big trouble not only for us but the airport as well. When it
was all said and done we lost our land and our AMA license and insurance
just because someone could not think of others. I could go on and on about
the 180 railroad park our club is in now but I'll wait for the day we get
sued or kicked out because of the unsafe practices the 7 1/2 gauge guys
partake in.

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Harry Wade
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 2:11 PM
To: Multiple recipients of sslivesteama
Subject: Re: Cheddar gas shutoff/regulator

At 09:35 PM 9/8/03 +0100, you wrote:
>Hands up those who have never done it!

       A few of us have touched on this before (at DH maybe).  In observing
the proceedings it became obvious to us that if and when an "injury"
occurred (whatever "injury" might be) it was much more likey to result from
a firing accident than a boiler accident.  One thing I don't have in my
tool kit which I should have is a reliable fire extinguisher.  I've not had
good experience with the Co2 capsule variety.



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