Geoff ...

When I first set rail to tie on the East Serendipity Railway these many years ago I never thought I would be such a trend setter ... having built dual gauge track with gauges 1 and 2 some years ago, I was pleased to discover that with the rail width used I was left with about 16.5mm (i.e. HO gauge) between the two rails opposite the common rail. (And I was only thinking of running some standard gauge equipment to highlight the nature of our narrow gauge prototypes.)

||<--------------Ga 1------------->||<-HO->||
||<--------------Ga 2---------------||--------->||

Pete Jobusch

At 04:53 PM 10/2/2003 -0700, you wrote:


A unique concept if you ask me. Having the  "boiler" and heating in the
tender allows for room in the locomotive boiler space for cylinder or
cylinders. I suspect they use an oscillator- or oscillators.

Well, my first loco was an O gauge Hornby c/w in 1930--so I guess I'll be
on the corner begging for pounds sterling to get this Hornby set!! I have
HO track, OO locos and structures. So will all steamers    be installing HO
track between the gauge 1 rails??

My God, this is complicating the hobby! It goes on--N scale--Z scale??


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