Try page 109

Ken Vogel
Lafayette, CO

-----Original Message-----
From: Bede McCormack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Oct 27, 2003 10:28 PM
To: Multiple recipients of sslivesteam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: copper tube for boiler

Hi Folks,

I'm looking to make a weenie van Riemsdijk "Type B" (alcohol-fired 
smoke tube) boiler for an O gauge & scale 0-6-0 tender engine.  I've 
been reading the Eddie Cooke articles for making a boiler for the 
Bassett-Lowke mogul, and his notes call for a 20swg walled tube.  LBSC 
calls for the same thickness for his Bat and Owl.

20swg comes out to about .036" or 0.194mm.  So far I've checked and the Reeves catalogue, but all their tubes in the 
OD I'm looking for (1.25", 3.75mm) are 16swg (.064", 1.62mm).

Is 16swg too heavy for such a tiny boiler?  Can someone suggest a place 
to locate 20swg copper tubing in 1.25" OD?

Thanks for any suggestions, etc.
Bede McCormack


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